Thursday, November 3, 2016

Who cares about your clocks?

This week, if you're on the email lists of any other real estate agents, you've likely already begun receiving canned messages reminding you to adjust your clocks for Daylight Savings Time on Sunday. You'll never get a message like that from us. Why not?

We're about providing real value to our friends, families, communities, clients, and referral sources. While "real value" can come in many different forms, one form it certainly does NOT come in is auto-generated email campaigns from the same providers that every other real estate agent uses.

We take care to custom-craft everything we send you, so that you actually stand to gain from receiving it. So far this year, some of the messages we've sent to our client community include...
- Help with staying accountable to your goals, plus a free book
- Energy-saving tips (beyond no-brainers like using CFL bulbs) and temporary tax credits
- Creative and tax-advantaged college savings ideas
- An offer to help calculate interest savings on any type of loan
- Guidance on equity-building home improvements
- Complimentary access to our custom real estate mobile app
- Invitations to three parties for which we picked up the tab
- An offer to place referrals with trusted real estate professionals worldwide
- Pre-negotiated seasonal discounts from local businesses

We could go on, but you get the point. So get onto our email and mailing lists if you're not already on them, and if you get the same canned email from multiple agents, there's always that Unsubscribe button at the bottom. Oh, and don't forget to change your clocks!